Cat Training
Stressed cat at home stressing you out?
Tired of always feeling like you’re putting out fires with your pet?
I’ve lived with cats that fought, cats that sprayed outside the litter box, and cats that were aggressive.
So yeah, I’ve been there, done that, and I can relate!

Stressed pets… especially stressed cats lead to stressed families and life is stressful enough without adding more to the picture!
I’ve had that stressed pet and stressed life and I’m telling you it doesn’t have to be that way - it shouldn’t be that way!
Well behaved cats are a joy to live with and can help alleviate stress!
From kittens to seniors, we can give your cats the necessary skills to help them adapt to their environment and navigate the world they live in.
At Mind Your Manners Pet Training, we help enrich your pets’ skills so they behave appropriately in many different situations from time spent outside, or calmly greeting houseguests, to visits to the veterinarian or groomer, and more.
Just imagine…
Imagine your cat being the “super chilled” one who amazes everyone they meet!
The good news is - it can be possible!
Have the well mannered pet you always dreamed of with our customized training plans and online classes!
No one gets a cat with the idea of them wrecking your home, your yard, or your sanity.
However untrained pets can do all that and much worse!
Untrained animals are not only stressful to live with, they can cause real damage to people, property, and relationships.
Inappropriate behaviors don’t magically disappear, they grow and spread like a disease until you can’t remember why you wanted a pet in the first place.
Think about WHY you got your cat in the first place.
What is that dream relationship you want with him or her?
Now think about your current relationship with them.
Are the two images not the same or even in the same realm? Can you ever imagine them going from the state they are in now to being the same image?
We can help align those images so you and your pet have the relationship you dreamed about.
Our classes and customized training plans help get you started on the right path or get you back on the right path with your furry friend so you can fulfill that dream, while having fun and enjoying the process!
Here’s how we can work together to make that happen.
During your free initial phone consult, we spend just a few minutes getting to know each other, discussing your situation, and setting up an initial consultation for you and your cat.
Then we get you scheduled for your appropriate package and an invoice and contract are sent to you. Once they are fully executed, you will receive an email confirmation and details about what to have for your first session.
Your appointment will be set and all you have to do is get excited for starting a new and fun chapter in the life with your pet.
Ready to find out which training package is right for you?
Book a free consult call now!
American Animal Hospital @ 402-493-6767 to book an appointment.
Our Training Packages:
Training Options
*New Home Setup - perfect for bringing in a new cat or kitten! This one time 90 minute session covers basics such as litter box and scratching post arrangement, play time, feeding, treats, training, grooming basics, and more. Email recap of information is provided $165.00 + tax
*Kitten Kindergarten - offered at American Animal Hospital. 30 minute sessions discussing basic grooming and health care procedures, litter box issues, appropriate play, and more. $35.00 + tax
Initial Session for Behavior Issues
$150 + tax
*Complete history of your pet and the issues you are encountering
*Preliminary training plan and management interventions developed and implemented
*Performed via Zoom or in person
*Email recap for in person session or link to private Zoom session is provided
*Report sent to your veterinarian upon request
*Follow up sessions are available. 45 minute sessions with email recap provided, $110 + tax
*2 weeks additional email/text support included